Jazz tagged me with this one....and now I must add her to my "To Be Drawn & Quartered" list.
1. Whenever I buy a new book, I have to get a new bookmark to go with it. It MUST match. I would never be able to handle having a blue book cover with a brown bookmark. ALL of my books have their own bookmark. If there is a series that I am reading or have read...they DO NOT share...each book has it's own bookmark.
I started doing this a couple years ago. It had gotten to the point where I would loan out a book and it would be returned to me having the spine broken or the pages were dog eared. I hate that crap, so I started buying bookmarks for each book and it rarely happens anymore. I have however, lost a few bookmarks.
2. I can only use a towel ONE time in between washings. I know most people just hang up their towels and use them again the next time they shower...I DON'T. It grosses me out. I may hang the towel up to dry, but it will go in the laundry basket after it's dry. There are however, 2 exceptions to this rule. a) - I can wear my tericloth bathrobe at least 2 times and be okay with it. b) I can use the same towel to dry my hair twice. That is all.
3. This may be TMI but I'm having a hard time coming up with things that are weird so I'm putting it in....
I always wear a bra. Even when I'm at home in a ratty t-shirt and shorts bumming around or doing housework. I don't sleep with it on or anything (at least not regularly) but as soon as I get up I shower, brush my teeth, put on some anti-stink and the bra goes on....before the panties even. I have got to have one on...at all times...period. Jiggle Factor does not make you cool.
4. My pantry is kept in a strict discipline of neatness at all times. Have you ever seen Sleeping With The Enemy and she has to have the cans turned facing front and everything has to be just so? Yeah, well, that's me.
5. I can't put my laundry away unless it is folded in a particular way, or hang the clothes in my closet unless they are all facing the same direction.
For example, shirts. If they are to be folded, then you pinch the seam at the shoulder where the shoulder and the sleeve meet, shake out the shirt with a good POP, fold the shirt back so the shoulder seems that you are pinching touch - and the front of the shirt MUST FACE OUT, smooth the shirt to get at least most of the wrinkles out, grab the cuff of the shirt in your right hand and make sure that the sleeve is laying flat on your arm (doing the same with the other sleeve over the top of that one) and then fold AT THE SEAM WHERE THE SLEEVE HAS BEEN SEWN ON. DO NOT - OMG! - NO NOT FOLD THE SLEEVE SO THAT THE CUFFS ARE TOWARDS THE HEM OF THE SHIRT. FOLD THE SLEEVES TOWARD THE OPPOSITE END OF THE SHIRT. If the sleeves go over the shirt, fold them back on themselves and then fold the shirt in half so that the sleeves are between the top and bottom halves of the shirt. The front of the shirt should be facing to the LEFT, no sleeves should be poking out of the folded shirt. Lastly, smooth the top and you're done.
If you are hanging the shirt, it should face LEFT and have the top button buttoned. (let's all say a quick thankful prayer for hangers shall we hummmmmm?) I'm not kidding when I say that I have gone behind Charles a million times refolding the clothes that he has folded, though I try not to be obvious about it. I could be a little anal retentive on this issue, what do you think?
6. I can't stand it when someone where's their hat inside. In today's day and age of the ball cap, so many people are doing this and it's now considered normal. What is wrong with you people? Show some frigging upbringing. NO, it's not okay to wear it into Walmart - you're still INSIDE...and if you walk in MY door with a hat on your head, you had better be undergoing some serious chemo treatments. I won't even say Hi to you...the first thing I'll say is "Please take your hat off."
I'm all done now. Don't worry, I won't tag you....but you're still weird...weirder than me even.
Labels: Meme, things that should scare you